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Strategy to foster Circular and Bioeconomy key principles within a Master degree on circualr and bioeconomy

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The Transnational Network primarily focused on jointly developing a Master’s Degree in Circular and Bio-Economy, bringing together universities and business support organizations across the countries in the ADRION area.

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Action plan outlining the steps and key aspects for launching and implementing the Joint Master’s Programme in Social Innovation

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Strategy for the development of a Joint Master

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Innovative transnational cooperation network in the field of Social Innovation to promote and implement the Joint Master Programme

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Innovative transnational strategy for the Social Innovation application to the healthcare system for the elderly

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Network for Ageing Population Healthcare

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Strategy on transnational, national, regional and local policies improvements

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Action plan for promotion of sustainable valorisation and preservation of natural and cultural heritage in protected areas

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PRONACUL Pilot Actions

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Actions to reduce seismic vulnerability, enhance cultural heritage preservation, and improve public awareness and preparedness for earthquakes.

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Actions for reducing seismic vulnerability of cultural heritage buildings in historic urban centers, including stakeholder involvement, technical assessments, and capacity-building initiatives.

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The document represents the establishment of a transnational cooperation network under the ADRISEISMIC project, focused on tackling environmental vulnerability from seismic risks by utilizing a Moodle platform to enhance knowledge sharing, improve skills related to seismic retrofitting, and foster collaboration among universities, municipalities, and regional agencies in the Adriatic-Ionian region.

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The dissemination video of the project ARIEL

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The video shows the successful implementation of water seapumps in Croatia

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SUSTOURISMO Infographic Network

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SUSTOURISMO Infographic on Mobility for Sustainable Tourism

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This SUSTOURISMO Action Plan provides suggestions to any interested public and private stakeholders regarding the following:
– Strategy for a better integration of the tourism sector in the wider EU, national and local sustainability policies;
– Actions for promoting sustainable tourism at transnational/EUSAIR/ ADRION level and at local and regional levels;
– Tourism key dimensions. The role of technology and communication strategies in promoting a more sustainable tourism.

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The current deliverable aims to present the MoU that was developed within the framework of the SUSTOURISMO project for the Establishment of SUSTOURISMO Cooperation Platform (Transnational Network) serving SUSTOURISMO vision. In brief, the current document describes the aim, purpose, operation, thematic areas of cooperation, terms of understanding and admission rules. The project PPs constitute the core members of this cooperation network while interlinked to PPs stakeholders and interested parties (in sustainable tourism, mobility and growth areas) consist the ‘satellite’ members.

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SUSTOURISMO Transnational Strategy or as also mentioned ‘SUSTOURMOB cycle’, designed with a transnational dimension to support common sustainable development goals achievement in the wider area, is a strategy that could be used by other ADRION areas to promote the SUSTOURISMO interventions – adoption should follow a concrete transferring based on local needs, capacities and characteristics.

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Key messages for transforming ADRION urban areas in sustainable mobility pioneers following COVID-19 pandemic

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Inter-Connect PLUS sustainable mobility after COVID-19 infographic

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A roadmap based on a wide ADRION survey (citizens, trasnport and tourism stakeholders) for understanding how to reach sustainable mobility vision in the after COVID-19 era.

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The database of pro-biodiversity economic activities and pro-biodiversity products includes those economic activities based or characterized by a peculiar biodiversity of a given place which also contribute to preserve, maintain, or improve biodiversity at the local level.